Dental Research News
Cranio-Mandibular-Dysfunctions are one of the hottest topics at the moment in dental research as an increasing number of scientific studies show a strong connection between missing teeth or a wrong bite and a series of complications outside your mouth. As chronic head-, neck-, shoulder and back pain or sleeping problems. Its pandemic proportions is being displayed by the fact that an estimated 7 million Germans alone are affected by this syndrome.
More than 70 percent of the patients who suffer from a heavy periodontitis are smokers. Hence the federal dentist's chamber of Germany (BZÄK) demands that the warning signs on the cigarette packets around the tip "smoking makes toothless!" be extended.
Anxious of going to the dentist? Well in our hands adults and even children regularly fall asleep…
"By every train in a cigarette a part of the oral health also resolves in blue smoke", warns BZÄK vice president Dr. Dietmar Oesterreich on the world non-smoking day about the treacherous results of smoking for gums and teeth.
Who regularly during several years reaches to the weed, increases his personal illness risk on the 20-fold towards non-smokers. Smokers accept with the fact basically that their teeth lose stability earlier and via aggressive periodontal germs spreading into the entire body also their whole health status is endangered, explains Oesterreich.
Our results not only look natural but also last longer
Dr. Cristea: Smokers also have a significantly higher risk of implant failure or post-operative complications due to delayed soft and hard tissue healing caused by reduced blood supply in the gums as well as in the bone.
About 90 percent of all tumours detected in the oral cavity, larynx, oesophagus and the lungs decrease according to Oesterreich to smoking. Oesterreich "If you decides to stop smoking the oral health improves and lowers the cancer risk within few years." Besides, the dentist can give assistance with the smoker's weaning process.
Dr. Cristea: Dentists play a decisive role in the diagnosis of pre-cancerous lesion in the oral cavity, especially in smokers. Early detection is imperative for subsequent successful therapy. Hence the importance of a regular dental full mouth examination every half-year at the dentist. An adequately qualified and responsible dentist should always also review your gums, your palate, your tongue, the inner side of your cheeks, your throat as well as your regional head and neck lymph nods for potential anomalies.
80% of all people suffer from chron. bad breath (Halitosis). 9 of 10 people buy ineffective products to the treatment from bad breath.
Dr. Cristea: Commercially available products are seldom effective in fighting against bad breath as they don’t tackle the problem at the root. The origin lies simply within the massive accumulation of bacteria-loaded plaque, food rests and tartar hiding in between, around the teeth and often below the gum line. Requiring professional dental cleaning and sometimes a gum treatment to achieve an effective disinfection of the oral cavity which takes minimum 45 minutes to 1 hour. If gum treatment is necessary due to infected and bleeding deep gum pockets several sessions will be needed. As soon as the mouth is perfectly cleaned the bad breath will in consequence also disappear.
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In the 43.rd annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Periodontology in December 2009 studies were presented demonstrating clearly that the disease related to the gums is a factor just as important as a risk factor for arteriosclerosis as high blood cholesterol. As a consequence persons who suffer from the so called periodontitis have a 50 % higher risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases like hypertension, heart attack or brain stroke. In pregnant women periodontitis considerably increases the danger of premature birth or of an underweight baby.